Increasing Self-Awareness - December 2021

As competition is swinging into full gear, I wanted to share two of my favorite mindset tips to help gymnasts prepare for the competition season ahead

  1. You have probably heard this several times, but remind your gymnast that feeling stressed and worried at a competition is NORMAL! It means they care! When they feel stressed, have them focus on what they have control over. Ex: making sure they are prepared (eat nutritionally, sleep well, hydrate, meditate and focus on one skill at a time). A little bit of stress can actually be beneficial and help our performance as it can create energy and a rush of adrenaline. Let stress work for you not against you!

  2. Self-awareness is KEY! It is so important to be aware of how your body responds, the emotions you are feeling, and your thoughts. Self-awareness is the cornerstone of peak performance. Once your gymnast is aware of their thoughts and feelings, they can then decide how to respond to them. Self-awareness allows us to be in control of our thoughts and not our thoughts in control of us. 

How to increase self-awareness: 

Two of my favorite ways to help increase self-awareness are through meditation and journaling. Both methods allow us to tune into our mind and body and feel more connected.

In conclusion:

Performing your best really requires preparation. One needs to prepare both mentally and physically ahead of time. If you feel your gymnast lacks mental preparation, check out my website and the different 1:1 and team mindset training I have!

Happy Holidays and Have a Happy, Healthy New Year!

From Ariana, Tony, and Patton

Follow me on Instagram: @themindfulgymnast and Facebook: Ariana Eydenberg


Growth vs Fixed Mindset! - January 2022


Practicing Gratitude - November 2021